Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help


Max Bounces Maximum number of bounces in a path
Max Specular and Transmission Bounces Maximum number of bounces for specular and transmission events
Max SSS Volume Scattering Bounces Maximum number of bounces for subsurface scattering within a volume
Max Fog Scattering Bounces Maximum number of bounces for volume scattering within a fog volume
Max Heterogeneous Volume Scattering Bounces Maximum number of bounces for heterogeneous volumes
Samples per Pixel per Frame (1 to 32) Total number of samples used for each rendered pixel in one frame update
Total Samples per Pixel (0 = inf) Maximum number of samples to accumulate per pixel. When this sample count is reached the rendering stops and the same image is displayed until a scene or setting change is detected, causing the rendering process to restart. Set to 0 to remove this limit
Enable Fractional Cutout Opacity If enabled, fractional cutout opacity values are treated as a measure of surface 'presence', resulting in a translucency effect similar to alpha-blending. Path-traced mode uses stochastic sampling based on these values to determine whether a surface hit is valid or should be skipped
Reset Accumulation on Time Change If enabled, the Path-Tracer accumulation is restarted every time the MDL animation time changes. Settings this to false is useful to prevent accumulation reset at every frame when the 'animation time' is changing every frames using wall clock time(which can be the case when we an animation is not being played, and wall clock time is used instead of animation time)
Note: While using a higher number of bounces increases accuracy of the final image, it can quickly reduce performance while achieving diminishing returns in terms of image quality.